Linda Lampenius


Another Maestro for the world of pop violin music
Linda Lampenius


EMI has recently signed up another beautiful young female violinist, a 27 years old Finnish player called Linda Lampenius, who was thrust into the limelight having been discovered by a Björn Borg agent in Finland and was discovered by Lloyd Webber on the British Television show Eurotrash. Lampenius has been causing a sensation in Europe, winning the hearts of critics.
"Linda can do things with a fiddle that will bring tears to your eyes. She performs her classical repertoire in spray-on latex bodysuits, swaying her hips gently with a hint of a smile playing around her full lips," wrote one European journalist.
She began playing the violin at the age of five. She has held the position of 1st violin with the Finnish National Opera since 1990 and she used to be on the first desk of the Helsinki Symphony Orchestra until she was spotted and whisked away by her manager.
She has the utterly bankable combination of long blond hair and the sort of bodily attributes that tend to bring Pamela Anderson to mind.
In fact, Miss Linda was apparently asked to make an appearance in the television series Baywatch and has been a regular on the Channel Four show Eurotrash.
She was invited to model for the Björn Borg brand in Sweden and the resulting international media attention led to offers of acting parts in America and a performance at a private festival held at Andrew Lloyd Webber's Hampshire home last summer.








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